Its Here, For Real, No Taksies Backsies

It felt like 70 degrees outside today. If you are one like me who had forgotten what that means, it means; it is warm enough to go outside without a jacket, or gloves or scarves, or boots. It is warm enough to go out in a skirt or shorts. It is warm enough to turn off the heat in the car and manually roll down all the windows. That also means its atmospherically pleasant enough to try and cross the monkey bars in order to impress certain toddleheads I know. Of course, my bones didn't get the memo so they're creaking now, particularly around the pulled section of my neck. Always warm up first. You'd think I would have thought of that.


Always, Lexi... said...

I feel the same way...the best thing so far has definitely been going outside in the late afternoon/early evening and playing catch or baseball golf with some of the boys or driving with the windows rolled down and music playing with your arm dangling out the windo to the beat...all these feelings of warmth, sunshine, and summer make me miss home all the more for some reason.

Anonymous said...

hi good to hear from both of you on the same blog. we are right now watching a whiteout blizzard and listening to Christmas music-your dad's idea! Spring(ha) in Idaho. Love you bunches.