3 is the new 2.

Last night was Noah’s birthday party! Our little monster is the big oh-three. We invited some of the younger crowd, but no one really showed up but my brother and sister (uncle and aunt) T.J. and Maya. We toyed with the idea of inviting the grandparents, but Noah doesn’t hang with the geriatric crowd.


No Noah! Don’t eat the candle! The cake, the cake!


Yes. Better.


eww! Danimum!


This is the cheese face. His – not mine.


Noah is convinced this is a book. It isn’t. It’s a CD. When he figures out what a CD is (Dani is stuck in the 70s and has our home stuffed full of old 45s), we’re positive he’ll love it. Thanks Gram and Pop-pop! Noah’s words, not mine.

Now he gets to rock out with Daddy. With annoying electronic beeps and boops and assorted distorted noises. Great idea, Daddy. Great idea.


Dani and I were convinced that this would be the highlight of the party. Noah got on, posed for a photo or two, and then promptly hopped off and started for the guitar. Someone needs to teach this kid about price tags.

We took some video, too, but I want to edit it and make it nice and presentable. When that happens (soon!) I’ll get it up here.

Eagle Temple

There was a time in the not so distant past when Dani played Zuma. Lots and lots of Zuma. If it weren’t for the intervention close friends and family staged, it’s possible she’d still be glued to her mouse.

It’s a puzzle game. You control a frog that shoots colored balls from your mouth. You spin around and spit balls at other balls of the same color. When you get three in a row, they explode in sound effect happiness. Dani was stuck on level 9 for the longest time, we’re talking months. So I surprised her with a Zuma survival kit. I was determined to marathon it, all night video gaming.


Dani with fresh kit and celebration cider.



North American instruction manual and introductory letter.


Trying out the shades (that monitor glare can be harsh!)

So. How did it go? She didn’t need the kit at all, and beat it on her first run through. I like to think that at least I contributed to her moral support.

Once more into the breach...

Here are a few shots of the Shakespeare festival that Dani and I went to awhile back. We had a splendid time. You’ll have to excuse the minuscule quantity, we weren’t allowed to have a camera and I had to get creative.




This outdoor amphitheater is truly beautiful. Be jealous.

For more description of the festival, Dani’s post has more info.

The cities only proof of life is a minefield of fallen stars.

So, the undeniable truth is that Dani and I are horrible at blogging. We’re sorry. Here are some updates to make up for our lack of being here. I know this sudden burst of photographs and words will never be enough to fill the hole our absence has left in your hearts; for this we are remorseful. Nonetheless, the show must go on.

Without further ado, I present random photographs of the family that prove we are still alive. Or were at the time the pictures were taken.









Catch Up! Catsup? Ketchum?

So much has gone on since I last contributed, so here goes.

A month ago, Luke, through much planning and aforethought, managed to surprise me with a cheesecake picnic on a hillside for opening night of "All's Well That Ends Well." It was the most delightful evening of this spring. There are pictures that will find their way here someday. Also in attempt to keep us hip and fresh we've taken each other on several "first dates." It is unusual and remarkable how acting as if you're on square one instead of month 10 can refresh your view and spark the attraction. Ok, who am kidding. It wasn't a spark, it was a wildfire.

On to other matters.

Also about a month ago, Luke sent in a short fiction piece to the Hemingway contest in Ketchum, Idaho. We have yet to to hear from anyone from the East side. Naturally, there is only one person in our house fit to pose inquiries about such matters and that is Noah.
He has discovered the question "Why" and thinks it is applicable to everything, i.e. "Why is the truck blue, Danimum?Why is it going bye bye? Why is it carrying hay? Why do cow's eat hay?" and so on and so forth. He loves a never ending conversation and stumping his Danimum. He also loves his owies. We're not sure why. Lets see, what else.Oh yes. In a matter of weeks he has mastered the art of "holding it." He's a potty pro.

Maddoh has discovered the power of her scream. It gets her in time out. She knows at least 20 more words from the last time I posted her vocabulary. She's sharp as a tack that one. Also she is very tan. Danimum feels very left out.

Luke and I have recently developed a weekend addiction to Frolfing (Frisbee golf.) Look forward to a visual hordourve of our ultra smooth skill. So far we've lost three discs, a pair of flip flops, and our dignity on several occasions, but we are resilient. For any one reading who dares to research this sport or goes so far as to try it, Westpark Swamp is a soul sucker. Beware!

So much else has happened, the catching case of child gastroenteritis, power outages, sneaking out of a Japanese Steak house, Battlestar Galactica, Season 2.5 and 3, my first sewing machine that came with a manual in three different languages, and several loud and obnoxious neighbor encounters at 4 in the morning. All in all, we are well. Thanks for catching up with the Faebs. Over and out.