Tag! Noah's it!

Okay, so I guess Noah was tagged to provide 11 facts about himself for the entertainment of others. Unfortunately for Noah, he can't type (accurately), so he will have to accept the trivial facts that his father provides. I debated whether or not to actually do this favor for my (mostly) ungrateful son, but considering he was tagged by one of the two readers of this blog, I figured it's only courteous.

So here goes, 11 facts about Noah Jack Felt.

1. Last night, he slept through the whole night without wetting his diaper. Way to go Noah! Today, he is in big boy underwear. Credit here should go to Dani -- potty trainer extraordinaire.

2. Last summer, Noah was an aspiring botanist, requesting leaves from various plants and trees to add to his collection. This summer, he is an aspiring geologist, gathering interesting rocks for his rock jar.

3. Noah loves garage doors. He is always on the ready to point out various makes and models in passing. "Green garage door!," "Small garage door!" "TWO GARAGE DOORS!"

4. One of Noah's first sentences was "Check it out, holmes!"

5. Noah's favorite song is the ABCs. His favorite part is "L and O, P."

6. Noah's middle name, Jack, was his paternal grandfather's first name.

7. Every day at noon, Noah watches his favorite television show Caillou. Caillou is a four year old bald boy on PBS. Noah will do anything that Caillou approves of. We are constantly praying that Caillou never chooses to endorse a sugary breakfast cereal. He also watches Ellen.

8. Noah loves his Danimum. He enjoys stealing her cart in the grocery store and watching her give chase. Boy is she slow!

9. Noah is a mind reader. Often, when Dani is holding Madeline, Noah will proclaim (almost eerily!), "Sissie wants down!" If Daddy steals Noah's fish sticks, then, "Daddy doesn't want Noah's fish stick!"

10. Noah loves garbage trucks. He rushes to the window daily to catch site of the garbage man. He has told us, on more than one occasion, that he desires to be a garbage man when he grows up. Danimum and Daddy think this is fine, and they will support his dream, as long as he is a college educated garbage man.

11. Noah enjoys predicting car wrecks. Often, when passing intersections of busy streets, Noah will say, "We're gonna wreck!" We never do. Except for that time we did, but Noah missed the boat on that one, he was playing with a purple duck.

Okay, I have no one to tag. So the buck stops here. That's what you get for tagging someone without friends, Melanie. Think it through next time :)


Melanie said...

Nonsense. Noah could always tag his little sister. :) It was a very entertaining post though! Noah makes me laugh.