
I realize we've been a bit behind on our updating of the blog. I sort of figured no one would notice. No one did. So we're in the clear. Here are some status updates on the fam:

Dani: Is busy crafting. She just made us some radical new place mats, and now she's giving us wall art composed of flower silhouettes made of lines of text from magazines. She's also quite busy potty training Noah, who in turn is quite busy resisting.

Luke: Is joining a new literary writer's group that includes past placers from the Boise Weekly Fiction 101 contest. These are his peeps.

Noah: Is experiencing an Oedipus complex. He is in love with Dani, and sees her image in everything. He even calls his daddy Dani-mum. It is Luke's belief that Noah is also, in true Oedipus form, concocting a brilliant plot to murder him in his sleep to have her all to himself. Also, he's being a stinker about potty training.

Madeline: Is learning a new word every day. Yesterday it was "milk." Also, she's identifying various parts of her body upon request. Madeline is probably the most interesting of the Faeb clan at the moment.

I promise a more substantial update very soon. We have some great pictures, and we had a fabulous weekend. There ARE things going on, but there are a lot of them, and our blogging time is sucked.